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Showing posts from September, 2024

Seeking Opportunities Answers 3

  What happened to you? I started practicing in making AI based short videos and I’m seeking opportunities to show my products. What would you like to see happen? I’d like to see an AI crafted short-videos festival. How do you think others can help? RSVP to attend and or take part.

Victim Of Non-Disclosure Agreements Answers 3

  What happened to you?  At the time I signed a non-disclosure agreement I had no idea of what I could possibly become aware of as a first-party participant, employee or as an observer. What would you like to see happen?  I think society needs to revisit the implications and best uses of employee non-disclosure agreements. How do you think others can help?  By raising concern and awareness of the issue, we can become better engaged in what’s best to protect the public and the employee.

Victim Of Unclear Court Order Answers 3

What happened to you?  I started having allergic reactions and discovered mold in my apartment. I reported the problem and told management I was moving, they told me I had to complete my lease, which meant I would have to live with the repeated issues with the mold. I said no, and they took me to court for non-payment, the court agreed with me and said I had up to 30 days to leave. I left in 28 days, and left the apartment in compliant condition, and expected to get my security deposit, instead I was sent a claim for the rent I didn’t pay during my being poisoned. And then they claimed I owed them my security deposit. What would you like to see happen?  I want to see the judge that heard the case to address this type of situational interpretations. How do you think others can help?  Be aware that Judges make unclear court orders. And that greedy property owners and mediocre managers are out here working. Add Your Experience To What We Know

Joe Louis Walkway User Answers 3

What happened to you?  I’ve been using the Joe Louis walkway to exercise and stay fit. I’ve noticed that vandalism is taking a toll, with at least 2 of the concrete resting seats having been destroyed. What would you like to see happen?  More effort to catch, prosecute and fine those that harass users along the walkway or vandalize offerings placed for public use. How do you think others can help?  Increase organized monitoring and efforts to keep the walkway user friendly, clean and safe.

Victim Of Retaliatory Eviction Answers 3

What happened to you?  I have been a target for retaliatory eviction for several years. Its only because I'm a retired attorney that I've lasted this long in the fight. My sympathy goes out to all the average Detroiters facing retaliatory eviction What would you like to see happen?  I want to see tenants and housing rights activist work together to build better solutions and organize others around what's happening in relation to the government and private sector not having adequate legal aid and response models.   How do you think others can help?  Become aware of what tenants and potential tenants can do to have leverage and safeguards in place.

Patients in The Health Care System Answer 3

A Southfield, MI Terminally Ill Patient Answers 3 What happened to you?  I have ovarian cancer and a failed kidney simultaneously. What would you like to see happen?  I would like to see medical insurance cover hospice care services for those dying of cancer and are already on dialysis. How do you think others can help?   Educating legislators on the need to expand coverage guidelines for dual inflicted terminally ill patients. (2-1-24)

Victim Of License Plate Reader Answers-3

What happened to you? I was a victim of a license plate reader and learned how difficult it is to get redress to a machine-made pre-programmed camera-based scanning tool. What would you like to see happen? I would like to see more ordinary citizens become aware and get organized in large enough groups to have some leverage. How do you think others can help? I think we all should be getting ourselves best organized to resist what are likely many unintended consequences.

An American Of Palestinian Decent Answers 3

What happened to you?  I’ve experienced having my voice lessened in a way that has caused me to feel set aside to be discriminated against. What would you like to see happen?  I would like to see one agreement for what we should expect from institutions, in relation to our firsthand experiences. How do you think others can help?  I think that others should recognize the need to have our individual experiences responded to with fair policies that can be audited and changed.

Victim Of Rape Answers 3

   What happened to you?  I was raped and it destroyed my sense of being safe, and I also became obsessed with my rapist going to jail or being killed. What would you like to see happen?  I want to see the brutality of the various types of rape brought to public attention and condemned more often. How do you think others can help?  Join or start groups that support rape victims and educating of potential rape victims.

An Executive Assistant Answers 3

What happened to you?  I’ve seen the reports of those who come in and who don’t have organized group leverage, and I often see most of their claims get routinely under-managed. What would you like to see happen?  More transparency and better options for individuals that are affected by bureaucratic and business practices. How do you think others can help?  By supporting a stronger bill of rights for those inputting a firsthand account of what happened to them as an affected person.

Victim Of Being Mis-Organized Answers 3

What happened to you? I was mis organized by a group and an individual that lacked two attributes. (1) Didn’t have the problem themselves and (2)  Didn’t  have a history of satisfying previously affected persons who had a similar type of problem or experience. What would you like to see happen? I want to see people affected by firsthand experience and those who potentially are going to be affected to self-organize. I want myself and others to get organized to connect what the affected people along us say happened. How do you think others can help? Get organized beforehand to have the best defense and offense.

Graveyard Can’t Find Mom’s Casket Answers 3

What happened to you? My deceased mother was not buried in the plot she was supposed to be. When I asked the cemetery why, the cemetery staff told me they needed to investigate to find her body and casket. What would you like to see happen? I want to see a simple tracking device installed in caskets, so, no one else goes through what we did. How do you think others can help? Support the practice of having a tracking device installed in caskets for knowing actual whereabouts.

Victim Of Company Policy Answers 3

What happened to you?  It started with my manager being disorganized when it came to managing incoming information. When authorities asked my manager about a disposal problem by the law department. My manager only mentioned the most recent report about the problem. My manager didn’t mention the earlier claims about possible unauthorized disposal, although there had been earlier reports. The lack of acknowledgement and recording of those earlier firsthand accounts of what happened only served the interest of my manager. My manager had not preserved the given firsthand account of what happened as told to her at the time, causing the intent of the company to come into question. The mediator on the case ruled against my employer and told them to change their policy of not preserving the reported firsthand accounts of what is said to have occurred at, around and because of the company. What would you like to see happen?  I think there should be outside handling of public safety alerts and f

Get The Benefits Of A Mate3 Subscription

(1) Get improved distribution of your firsthand accounts of what happened. (2) Get better accounting of your answers and the responses. (3) Get faster start-up of intervention organizing strategies. (4) Get help receiving, formatting, organizing and presenting what the affected persons say happened. (5) Get access to the mate3 subscribers fund for starting new activism. (6) Get access to the mate3 subscribers fund for extra advertising to promote specific mate 3-answer-sets.  (7) Get access to a group of curated responders prepared to give a next-step response based on your mate3 answer-set. (8)  There are no unnecessary meetings or time spent explaining why what happened, happened.   (9) You get thousands more people capable of offering a productive response to your formatted 3-answers. A subscription to mate3 networking is a personal empowerment Gift. A specialized tool for connecting firsthand accounts of what happened to the best pre-existing productive options. Mate3 has delivered

Affected Store Clerk Answers 3

What happened to you?  A customer came into the store to return an item that had been heavily used, and at the time there was no manager in the store to authorize the refund. The customer became extremely irritated and repeatedly abused me verbally. What would you like to see happen?  I would like to see changes in how store clerks are authorized and able to solve customer problems. I think having posted reminder signs for customers, announcing what the store clerks can and cannot do. How do you think others can help?  Consumers should support signage and information that informs customers of the level of authority that store clerks and managers have at time of purchase.

Non-Union Michigan Worker Answers 3

What happened to you?  I was employed by a non-unionized supplier to a fortune 500 company found in Warren, MI. I was given a job assignment by this employer without being informed that the assignment required safety gloves and a full-face cover. The result was I received chemical burns to my face resulting in ongoing injury and irritation. What would you like to see happen?   I would like to see the company held responsible and forced to change their practices. How do you think others can help?   I think others can help by supporting worker safety regulations, policies, and compensation for unnecessary damages.

Affected By Errors Of Manager Answers 3

What happened to you? It started with my manager being disorganized when it came to managing incoming information. When my manager got asked about a disposal problem by the law department. My manager only mentioned the most recent report about the problem. My manager didn’t mention the earlier claims about possible unauthorized disposal, although there had been earlier reports. The lack of acknowledgement and recording of those earlier firsthand accounts of what happened only served the interest of my manager. My manager had not preserved the given firsthand account of what happened as told to her at the time, causing the intent of the company to come into question. The mediator on the case ruled against my employer and told them to change their policy of not preserving the reported firsthand accounts of what is said to have occurred at, around and because of the company. What would you like to see happen? I think there should be outside handling of public safety alerts and firsthand

Victim Of Multiple Partner Fertility Answers 3

What happened to you?  My father had multiple children with women other than my mother. I almost had a sexual relationship with one of my siblings. What would you like to see happen?   I would like to see more options and people doing more searches and DNA tests. How do you think others can help?   I think others can help by aiding those who have been a victim of multiple partner fertility practices.

Skilled Trades Worker Answers 3

What happened to you?  I continue to see racism, favoritism, and cronyism within my union. The practices continue to directly undermine employment of Black skilled trade workers and potential workers, including cities with majority Black populations. What would you like to see happen?   I’d like to see more input gathering at better points in the development of skilled trades workers. I’d also like to see a more transparent and long-term strategy for preparation, training, employment, and ownership. How do you think others can help?   I believe if a wider audience of stakeholders were positioned to know the actual firsthand experiences it would make a difference. I believe that if those affected and those that should have opportunity get better information to organize around change is more likely to occur.

Victim Of Foul Odor While Walking Answers 3

What happened to you? To get to work every day and use the shortest street route I must go through a ninety-foot tunnel of infused-odors. The street is Larned between Brush St. & Randolph St. What would you like to see happen? I would like to see the city find a way to reduce the odors. How do you think others can help? By talking about it and bringing it up with agreement is the easiest.

Victim Of Bad Signage Answers 3

   What happened to you?  I stopped in a strip mall on Telegraph Road in Southfield Michigan. I pulled into a parking space to pick up a carry out, the parking space had a sign that did not properly say what it was intended to say. As a result, my car was towed away at what would have been a $500 towing cost. What would you like to see happen?  Use of a first-time parking warning sticker and only tow the vehicles of repeat offenders. How do you think others can help?  Tell others that visit businesses that share parking lots to also have a customer warning sign or notice as well. on their door as well.

Detroit Lions Tailgater Answers-3

What happened to you? I could have gotten hit by a ricocheting bullet at a tailgating event attended by hundreds. What would you like to see happen? I’d like to see politicians and police not punish everybody who tailgates for the criminal behavior of a few. How do you think others can help? Promptly help law enforcement to arrest law breakers and to deescalate disputes.

Victim Of Useless Public Hearings Answers 3

   What happened to you?  Over a dozen of us citizens had already told our local city council what our issues were before the hearing. Instead of them having productive answers to our concerns, we got to repeat the issues we already have brought up. What would you like to see happen?  I would like to see the politicians and advocates present answers they have to what citizens are concerned about, at the least they should cite the source of data and references for picking up proposals and making their decisions, not just sessions to reacknowledge. How do you think others can help?  I think others should also push to make public meetings more productive and done to solve problems, not just for rehearing citizens, and making personal decisions.

Victim Of A Foul Smell From Pop Company Answers 3

What happened to you?  I live near Gratiot Ave. in the city of Detroit, MI., two blocks from a pop company, and I’ve been smelling a foul odor for years. What would you like to see happen?  Acknowledgement, I can’t be the only one who smells it, and maybe reassure us about what’s causing the odor and why it can’t be fixed. How do you think others can help?  Keep raising the question.

Victim Of Property Management Group Answers 3

   What happened to you?  I started having allergic reactions and discovered mold in my apartment at River Place. I reported the problem, and we ultimately went to court about me paying rent to live with mold. The court said I was not responsible for the rent payments as a result of the mold. Unfortunately, the Judge's ruling was not clear enough for Princeton Management/Southfield MI. attorneys.  This circumstance creates a foundation for retaliatory charges. The court agreed and said I had up to 30 more days to leave. I left in 28 days, and I left the apartment in compliant condition, and I expected to get my security deposit, instead I was denied my deposit and sent a claim for the rent during my being poisoned. What would you like to see happen?  I want to see the judges that hear these types of cases have a more complete and clear ruling so as not to encourage the practice of creating retaliatory charges by property managers.   How do you think others can help?  Organize and b

Victim Of Over-Dependence On Tech Answers-3

  What happened to you? A cop spoke to and arrested me like technology can’t make mistakes. What would you like to see happen? I want to see local vetting teams employed to sort the truth from errors that could be caused by technology. How do you think others can help? Connect with local vetting options being used to sort the truth from errors caused by technology.

Victim Of Road Rage Answers 3

   What happened to you?  I was not moving fast enough or getting out of the way fast enough, so the other driver decided to cut in front of me and do sudden stops repeatedly, as though he wanted to be hit in the back. What would you like to see happen?  I don’t know specifically but one hope is that traffic cameras could be of more use as evidence in relation to acts of road rage that could endanger especially innocent victims. How do you think others can help?  I think it’s by taking more personal initiative to not engage in threatening others in general.

Answer-3 About Police Over-Dependence On Tech

Answer-3 About Father & Child Bond Breaking Experiences

Spotter Of Graffiti In Detroit Answers 3

What happened to you?  I see graffiti vandals attacking Detroit, Michigan’s downtown area again. What would you like to see happen?  I want the vandals responsible caught and stopped. How do you think others can help?  By remembering how bad it can get and getting others to just say no to accepting graffiti vandalism. (2) offer rewards, take pictures and help track graffiti vandals. Painted Over In July 2024 What Should Be done?

Victim Of Machine Answered Call Answers 3

   What happened to you?  During the time I was applying for unemployment, I moved, and I changed my phone number. When I tried to use the state of Michigan unemployment system to follow up, it locked me out because I no longer had the same phone number. I tried to contact the system administrators, and it was obvious that no prompt human problem solver was in the loop. The delay cost me money, time and inconvenience because I literally had to drive across the state to Lansing, Michigan to get an in-person interview. What would you like to see happen?   If no one is available to provide productive responses on the same-day, there should be fines and reimbursements for injurious outcomes caused by the early experimenting with AI-based machine failures that are causing consequential errors. How do you think others can help?  Start resisting these kinds of outcomes and irritations today in hopes of causing better outcomes for others tomorrow.

Tell Your Landlord-Tenant Experience Today

Short-Changed At Wendy’s Answers 3

   What happened to you?  I went to buy a sandwich at the local Wendy’s and got a product I didn’t order. I paid $6.99 for my chicken sandwich, and I got a sandwich missing two of the requested items. I asked for an exchange and was informed that they were out of the items I had asked for. They offered and I took the choice of a refund, and they gave me $6.67 it was short .32 cents. What would you like to see happen?  I’d like to see more done to make customers whole and to make companies pay an added fine when a customer must make multiple attempts to correct mis-orders. How do you think others can help?  If many of us ask for more effort and consideration from cooked food providers, improvement is achievable.

Victim Of Child Support System Answers 3

    What happened to you?  I had a child at 24 and I was ordered to pay child support, I lost my job and didn’t keep up with my payments. My son’s mother died at 65 and he’s 38, I’m 72 and the state of Michigan is still aggressively and injuriously trying to collect the debt. What would you like to see happen?   I would like to see the state of Michigan decide that if they didn’t collect child support arrears after the child turns 35, to stop. How do you think others can help?   I think others can help by asking and promoting debt forgiveness after the child turns 35.

5-Year Legal Immigrant Answers 3

What happened to you? I’m an immigrant that came from South America and started working in Texas and later moved to Chicago, Illinois. What would you like to see happen? I would like to see more orderly integration of those immigrating to work in America. How do you think others can help? By understanding that the national need can go against some of the individual needs as it relates to needed workers.

Affected Pet Lover Answers 3

  What happened to you? I bought a puppy from a private owner that had neurological damage, and I later learned the dog really came from an unregulated dog breeding farm. What would you like to see happen? I want to see puppy sellers need to get a license like a car dealer, so the public can tell the difference between a dealer and private owner bringing a pet into the neighborhood. How do you think others can help? Help design and promote better policies for breeding, housing and offering pets for sale or gifts.

A Suffering Nationalist Organizer Answers 3

What happened to you? I’m experiencing a kind of depression because of the educational and economic trade imbalance between American Blacks and others in America. What would you like to see happen? I’d like to see organized consumer groups and business groups incentivized to work together to reduce the trade imbalance. How do you think others can help? I think every day Black people should start making investments in groups and smart buying in groups.

Angry At Reckless Driver Answers 3

What happened to you?  A driver came from behind my car and crossed 3 lanes recklessly within 2 feet of other vehicles and did it recklessly without signaling. What would you like to see happen?  I want traffic cameras that can be useful to show acts of reckless driving. How do you think others can help?  Join with others to stop reckless driving.

Victim Of Smokers In Apartment Building Answers 3

What happened to you?   Every day I endure my neighbor opening his door to the hall so his smoke and smells can circulate through the building. The apartment building is supposed to be smoke free. What would you like to see happen?  An organized system for watching the problem and confirming solutions. How do you think others can help?  Other tenants should a lign themselves together to have group influence on solutions.

Victim Of Having Life Insurance Answers 3

What happened to you? I’m in my late eighties and applied for the state of Michigan home health care help and was denied. I was denied because I have a $2k whole-life burial policy that’s considered as a cash asset. What would you like to see happen?  I want real reform that serves the interests of the person who has saved small amounts of life insurance to assure funding for their personal burial. How do you think others can help?  They can start by adding their names, signatures and experiences to support legislation and advocates that are pro-productive change.